No 5. Coach Gramercy Op Art Pouch
To own a designer handbag is every woman dream, but not everyone can afford the handbags from world top fashion houses. I bet a great many women may have to tighten their belts to buy a Louis Vuitton or Gucci handbag. Have you ever considered the Coach handbags? It all about affordable luxury. All their bags look like those crazy expensive designer bags, but they never make you take so much money out of your pockets.
Besides its affordable price, Coach, as a world class brand, is specifically known for its high quality and exquisite design. Many female celebrities at least have a Coach handbag, which serves as the symbol of upper class. For instance, the Gramercy Op Art Pouch is the embodiment of elegance. Featuring Op Art print over Op Art quilted fabric with leather trim, this coach bag presents a soft and stylish look. Compared with the classic GG pattern from Gucci and Monogram from Louis Vuitton,Coach Outlet Bags, the op-art pattern brings us more freshness and vividness,louis vuitton bags,Coach Outlet,louis vuitton online, which is more attractive for young consumers. With ring to clip a lovely accessory or keyfob,Louis Vuitton Official Website, the bag can become more shiny and brilliant. Open with the zip-top closure, it provide a capacity of 9 3/4 (L) x 8 1/2 (H) x 4 which can easily hold your daily essentials. Inside open pocket is designed for your cell phone, business card or other small accessories to prevent your bag in a thorough muddle. 15?handle with 7?drop enables it to be hand-held or carried on the shoulder.
This Coach Gramercy Op Art Pouch comes in three colors, feminine silver/purple,louis vuitton designer bags,Coach Outlet Store Online, classic silver/black/black as well as stylish silver/khaki/brown. And it weighs an incredible price,coach outlet store online, only $188.