
Now Shopping - Very Vignelli


For the fall issue of T Design, I wrote the Timeless page on Massimo Vignelli’s supersized, supergraphic Stendig calendar of 1966. It started me thinking about other vintage but evergreen designs from Vignelli’s office, where he and his wife and partner, Lella, have been frequent collaborators. Arguably their best-known product design is their plastic dinnerware for Heller. Now produced only in white (brightly colored older versions can bring high prices on the secondhand market) SCARPE NIKE SHOX, the stacking plates, bowls and mugs look as snappy — and are just as practical — as when they first appeared in 1964. From $10 to $12 per piece at the Conran Shop.

Massimo’s perpetual wall calendar, with its big, bold numerals SCARPE NIKE SHOX, is a great solution for those who love the Stendig calendar but don’t have the wall space. It’s currently on sale for $42 at Design Within Reach. The carafe and matching glasses that the Vignellis designed in 1979 for an Italian luxury hotel chain are made of ribbed glass that reflects light, adding a little sparkle to your holiday table. The carafe is $20; the tumbler and double old-fashioned glass are $10 each at the Metropolitan Museum of Art shop. And speaking of holidays, a more recent design, the plastic Vignelli Chair (2006) from Heller, which now concentrates on furniture, is available for $500 at unicahome.com — which stocks a large number of Vignelli designs — in a very merry shade of red.


