
Spot the Pradas

>> My hotel roomie Phil Oh who's shooting streetstyle for Vogue.com says he's spotted these shoes on every third person - a slight exaggeration perhaps but yes, in the solid black, brown and burgandy, I have seen them on A LOT OF people.  You know when sales people tell you they're 'FLYING out of the stores', and you cynically think they're just trying to give you the final shove into handing over your credit, I do think in this case club soccer jerseys, they are zooming out of Prada stores all over.  It's a bit of a no-brainer shoe for me - the style of a Church's shoe combined with a slightly raised platform combining espadrille and coloured rubber - a potent pairing for a flat lover that wishes to 'clomp about' as opposed to 'walk elegantly'.  Shopping in that via della Spiga/Corso Venezia/Montenapoleone drag in Milan is just that bit shinier - the Italian superbrand flagships look more enticing and there's a feeling wafting about here where economic crisis doesn't seem to have touched it and dangerously, a freefall motion of shopping where you just hand over your card at a whim at any given moment without too much thought.

Last season, it was a giant pink sweater and this time round, it was a pair of these shoes at the Corso Venezia store where these colour combos are exclusive.  I'll go on thinking "Hey...I've worked REAL hard for this..." and hope for the best. 


Eeny meeny miny... green/orange/brown with an orange sole? 


It'll be four to five weeks wait before I start anxiously looking around my letterbox going "Oh crap... nothing's arrived yet.." (mail is notoriously hard to get through my fort knox flat) but sheathed in an initialled shoe-bag (yup, little personal touches like these really do tickle me despite their simplicity...), will be my clomping ground shoes...


P.S. And yes, Bryanboy and I will be doing a Shoe Snap...

